Yay! Super excited to have you join the Take time to BE YOU community and to be sharing this manifesto with you.
This is your printable manifesto - click to downloadSPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS
Print me out and stick me on your fridge! I hope this printable comes in as handy to you as it did for me.
As a mother of two, I really needed the reminder for myself but I also wanted others to acknowledge that it was OK, and very important, for me to put time aside for self-care. Sometimes it's just too easy to get lost in the routine of life and forget to look after ourselves. Unfortunately it's when our bodies have had enough that we stop to pay attention. So I hope this manifesto will remind you on a daily basis that 'you matter too', and that filling your cup with some goodness is necessary in order to 'keep on pouring'! |
Hi, I'm CarolinaWomen's coach and mentor.
I'm the creator of the Take time to BE YOU coaching practice. A 4-step guided programme designed to help you get clear on: who you want to be and why, what really matters to you, what you want to do and how to do more of it. Everything I create and offer is designed to help you live a more authentic and meaningful life. |